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You want your content to hit home, but how will you know what to target if you don\’t know your audience? Age, job title, gender, language, time zone, income.

To increase engagement, you need to be creating content that resonates with consumers. That helps them learn new things, solves their pain points, makes them feel good. You can also target segments of your followers according to their profession, interests, device, behavior, and keywords. Just because you can use characters, doesn\’t mean you should. There\’s no limit to how many hashtags you can use, but don\’t get trigger-happy. Find what works for your brand and for your audience.

All stuffed with love. Tweets are the mayflies of the social media world. When tweeting, picking the optimum time can be the difference between going viral, or going down the pan.

There\’s no best practice for how many times a day to tweet. But, tweets live a short life. Whatever you do, being consistent is important. Seven times on Monday, once on Tuesday – you\’ll quickly lose followers. Use Twitter analytics tools to find out what frequency rate works best for your brand.

Tweeting during sleep-time is never going to bring much engagement. Need to find out when\’s the best time to post? Download our social media scheduling template. Don\’t throw good money after bad. Twitter ad campaigns or boosting tweets, you need to understand what\’s working. Are they working? Paid Social. Find your top tweets – most retweets, likes, shares – and understand why they\’re working so well. To do it well, you\’ll need the best Twitter analytics tools on the market.

To save you trawling through the thousands of Twitter analytics tools available, I\’ve put together a list of the best tools on the market. I\’ve included views from industry experts to help you with your decision. Just before I start my list, I can\’t promise that a tool that\’s currently free will remain free forever. Most do offer free trials, and it\’s a good place to start. Free Social Search – take it for a whirl! Talkwalker does offer a paid social listening platform, but we also have cracking free tools.

Free Social Search is the one I\’m going to show you today. What does it do? Free Social Search – competitor analysis. Talkwalker gives you a lot of features for a free tool – Free Social Search – and I love that you can look at different metrics such as sentiment, demographics, performance, etc. I will be using the tool for researching other users as well as keeping an eye on my own Twitter account.

I really like the visual layout as it provides a quick and easy way to check out various metrics without the need for working with complex data. Followers insights – number of tweets, followers, following, lists. As free Twitter analytics tools go, it\’s awesome!

Providing a huge amount of different statistics. Look at this! All the stats you can learn about your own account, you can find for other accounts Find Twitter analytics for your account, and other brands.

Check out Starbucks. The paid version brings full access to search analytics for hashtags. It\’s one of the few tools that shows the evolution of a hashtag from It gives you everything you need to analyze what is working and not working. It gives you everything from mentions, replies, lists, most influential users, and even the time that you get the most engagement.

The best part is it allows you to pull all of the data and put it into visual graphs. It analyzes your followers as well so that you can use the data to increase engagement. In built analytics tools mean you can be confident the data is accurate.

Twitter Analytics is THE Twitter analytics tool, and one of the best things about getting data from the social network that produces it, is that you can be confident the data is accurate.

Twitter Analytics only reveals data about profiles you own no competitive intelligence — DOH! With one click of a button you can see all the metrics you need, which is worth its weight in gold.

It provides data on clicks, engagement, impressions and also offers demographic and interest data on your followers so you can get an excellent snapshot of who is connecting with you or your brand. Mentionmapp shows connections to user profiles and hashtags that have been mentioned by the central user. Mentionmapp Analytics provides a different, way more visual form of analysis compared to a lot of Twitter analytics tools. You can create an influence map of your Twitter feed and those that you interact with.

You can look at the activity of any Twitter feed. This means you get a clear picture of the activity surrounding your competitors. Developer\’s Description By Document Management. Key Features. Fast and stable rendering performance.

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