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In the Size panel the following options are available: Crop to fixed size lets you select a predefined crop size such as A4, A5, Letter. The crop is normally measured from the top and left side of the page. Select Centered to apply the crop centrally. The thumbnail view of the page on the Crop Pages dialog displays the areas to be cropped as shaded. Select Static values to apply a custom crop size. Select your preferred units from the drop-down menu.

Constrain values makes all values the same. Uncheck this to insert different values for the Top, Bottom, Left and Right. The values around the thumbnail image define the size of the crop. You can either directly enter a number or use the up and down arrows.

The Apply To panel determines the pages to be cropped. Select the Entire document, Selected Pages or a Range of pages. If you have selected an area on a page you can select the Current page option. You enter a Range of pages such as to only crop pages numbered 2, 3 and 4. The Crop drop-down menu allows you to apply the crop to All pages in range, Odd-numbered pages in range and Even-numbered pages in range.

Therefore, if you have selected the whole document or a range of pages you can apply the crop to the whole range or just the odd or even numbered pages. Select OK to accept your crop values or Cancel to abort them. NOTE: If cropping values that exceed the page size are entered, the values are ignored and no cropping is performed. The following options are available: Figure 4. Deselect All Deselect any selected items on the page. Copy Copy onto the clipboard the selected pages.

Paste Paste the pages previously copied to the clipboard above the currently selected page. Delete Select the pages to be deleted and click Delete to remove the pages. Insert New Page Insert a new blank page into your document. The new page is placed above the currently selected page. Extract Pages Extract the selected pages and create a new untitled document containing those pages. Rotate Left Rotate the selected pages 90 degrees to the left.

Rotate Right Rotate the selected pages 90 degrees to the right. However, you can use the following methods to change Corel PDF Fusion to suit your personal preferences. If you change the size or location of the Welcome screen and re-start the application, it reappears in your last selected state. A tick in the menu indicates an item is shown.

Show Menu F10 Display of hide the menu toolbar. Show Toolbars F11 Display or hide the icon toolbars. Show Statusbar F12 Display or hide the message window. The following options are available: Tooltips Show or hide text tips that appear when the cursor moves over an option.

To do this: 1 Open a document and click on a single page to view the document in the Page View. The pane can be moved anywhere; even outside the application window.

Click this icon and the pane detaches itself. If you have previously placed the pane elsewhere, the pane moves to that position. As you do this the panes shrink allowing space for the new pane.

When in the correct position the cursor changes to a cross-hair. Restore defaults This button restores all dialog options to their default factory settings. Click the Reset message dialogs option to re-enable all message dialogs so that they are displayed. PDF is the default setting. New page size This determines the default page size of any new page you create. Page orientation Choose whether the default page orientation is Portrait or Landscape.

When checked, imported files have the initial output name in a form ext. Where is the name of the file and is an arbitrary unique number. For example, when opening a Word file called testmanual. When this is unchecked, the document is displayed as testmanual in the Page and Assembly Views. For example, open a document in Page View and shift-click on the page. Preferred display units Select your preferred units from the drop-down menu.

Thumbnail size You can choose to have Normal or Large thumbnails. Enabling these options produces better screen displayed output, at the expense of performance. Show page reflections When checked each page has a reflection generated in Flick View. When changed, you must exit and re-enter Flick View for it to take effect.

By default, the page settings in the document being imported are used. Select the Configure import options button to open the Import Options dialog. Use Document Page Settings When this option is checked the default the page settings in the imported document are used. Click this option to activate and use all the options in this dialog.

The items in the Spreadsheet Options panel are designed specifically for importing spreadsheet documents. Show Headings When checked, the row and column headings in the spreadsheet are displayed in the output document along with the data.

Fit to Page Select one of the options in the drop-down menu. No Scaling means that the spreadsheet is displayed in its original size onto as many pages as are required to fit the data. Fit to page automatically scales the document to fit either the page, the page width no larger than one page wide , or page height no larger than one page high. Scale to Percent activates the Scale Percent field below and allows you to enter a percentage by which you want to scale the document.

These options scale the spreadsheet to fit the number of pages specified in the wide and tall fields. Because the aspect ratio of the spreadsheet is maintained, the lesser of the two dimensions width or height determines the scale factor. Note that if either value is set to 0, the value in the other option is ignored. Printing Direction These options control the pattern in which the pages are printed, either across first and then down, or down first and then across. With Across and Down selected the pages are printed across first and then down.

With Down and Across selected the pages are printed down first and then across. The Default Page Margins panel allows you to specify the margins on your document. These options allow you to specify the top, left, bottom and right margins in cm from the edge of the page. Page margins are applied when formatting word processing, database and spreadsheet files and are applied before any scaling. Under most circumstances the default system browser is used along with the proxy settings.

If, however, you are part of a network in an office for example and the internet connection is restricted or requires further configuration, you should contact your system administrator. Auto-detect proxy settings This is the default option and should be used when you want Corel PDF Fusion to automatically detect the proxy settings for your network. Manual proxy configuration Use this when you have a list of one or more proxy servers. Ask your system administrator for the configuration information.

Each proxy requires a hostname and a port number. The username and password options are optional, but they may be required by your network. However, you have the option to create a backup file whenever a document is saved.

This file is the same size as the original file. The following options are available in the Save Options panel: Always create a backup copy This is not checked by default. Check this option to create backups of your saved files. The backups are created in the same location as the original file. The following options are available in the Spelling Options panel: Allow spell checking This option is checked by default, and when selected spell checking is activated for comments.

Active dictionary Use the drop-down menu to select your preferred language for the spell checking dictionary. A message appears indicating that conversion of all queued files is cancelled. You can select to continue or abort. This displays more details about the files you are converting.

This allows you to change the output format or setup. The Convert format panel provides the following options: Document type Select the down arrow to choose your preferred document output format.

The selection you make here determines which setup names are displayed in the Setup name option below. Setup name Select the down-arrow to display the setups associated with the currently selected Document type. Click this to edit a setup. The currently selected setup is displayed ready for editing but you can change that if you wish. You cannot edit any of the standard setups, but you can make a copy and edit the copy. Description Displays a brief description of the currently selected setup.

Files which have been previously converted are also displayed. Figure 5. Click Restore Defaults to return the dialog to its default settings. Click OK or Cancel to close the information dialog. If the Setup Output options are not configured, Corel PDF Converter reverts to its default behavior of writing the output document to the source folder.

The following options are available in the Save converted documents panel: Save in same directory as source documents default Click to save your converted files in the same directory as the source input file. Save in Lets you choose a different location for your converted files. If required, use the Make New Folder option. Always prompt for destination directory Check this to ensure that each time a file is converted a browser dialog appears allowing you to select an output location.

Default view If you have chosen to view your converted documents in Corel PDF Fusion, select the default view in which you would like them displayed. When converting several documents at the same time, and you have selected Assembly View, all the documents are displayed under separate tabs.

If, however, you have selected Flick or Page View, the last document converted is displayed. Click the other document tabs to display them.

When a file is successfully converted the system registered sound is used as an audible indication. Uncheck the Use sound to indicate conversion is complete option to turn off this notification. In addition, a debug option is provided. This should only be used under the direction of Technical Support.

NOTE: The last used setup is the default. Corel PDF Converter opens and converts the file. A progress bar appears and a sound prompts you when the file has completed. You can disable the sound. The Create document dialog appears. Click Cancel to abort the printing. Therefore, the Always output files to and Overwrite an existing document options in the setup are ignored. Once saved, the conversion continues. You must save the document before conversion using the Add-ins. This displays the Save As dialog.

Select Cancel to abort the process. Use this option for general purpose conversion of source documents for reuse in Word. Use this option when significant text editing in Word is required. This option produces much smaller file sizes for Microsoft Word documents, and is ideal for when the text content of the source document is to be used for another purpose.

You can change the name. The process starts and a progress bar appears. A message is displayed when the conversion is complete. The generated PNG files use the resolution and color management settings of the source document. Figure 6.

Repeat this for each source document. NOTE: If you are using more source documents than can be displayed, use the scroll bar 1 at the right side of the source document window to display those documents. The number of pages you are moving is displayed and the yellow bar next to page 2 indicates where the pages are going to be dropped.

NOTE: Any document must contain at least one page. Therefore, you can delete the pages of a document only until the last pages remains. This displays the Save dialog. NOTE: If you have created a new document using the pages of an existing document, the new document must be saved before you can re-save the existing document to its current name. Select Cancel to abort the save.

NOTE: Any folios page numbers printed on the existing document are not changed. NOTE: Before saving the new document consider whether you want to overwrite the existing version or save the new version under a new name.

NOTE: Any folios pages numbers printed on the existing document are not changed. The choice of file format determines all subsequent options. The Finish Wizard dialog appears. These options are the same as those listed in the Save As When you have selected XPS as the document type, this is the only option available. Set Document Open Actions Select this check box to access the options for file opening actions. This is only available when PDF is selected as the document type.

Set Document Passwords Select this check box to access the password options that allow you to enter a password to open the document and to change the security setting. Repeat this process until you have completed all the information required by the wizard. Click Save to complete the process when you have made your choices. When Document is selected the document is printed including any page markups and annotations excluding text markups, such as highlights, strikeouts, underlines and so on.

When Document and comments is selected the document is printed including any page markups, annotations and text markups. Print Choose all the pages in the range or just the odd or even pages.

Normal Print This is the default option and offers the fastest printing. Print as Image If normal printing does not produce the desired results, select this option.

You can set the resolution to or dpi or choose to use the resolution set on the printer. A message stating this is displayed. Center on paper Positions the output centrally on the output media. Auto-Rotate When selected, rotation is applied when the orientation of the source page does not match the orientation of the media. The Selection option becomes available when one or more pages are selected in Assembly View or the Navigation pane.

When Normal Print is selected you are prompted for a file name in the default location. When Print as Image is selected you are prompted to enter a fully qualified path and name. For more information about. This displays the Find and Redact dialog: 3 Enter the word or phrase you want to search for. Click Redact to obliterate just that occurrence or click Redact All to obliterate all occurrences within the document. NOTE: If you have previously performed a search you can select the down-arrow to re-select it.

Occurrences of a word or phrase that form part of an image, such as a photograph or scanned image, are not found. NOTE: Text correction text is only possible when the document security allows text editing.

This displays the Find and Replace dialog: 3 Enter the word or phrase you want to find in the Find what field. Click Replace to replace just the currently selected instance or click Replace All to replace all instances within the document. NOTE: If you have previously performed a search or replace, select the down-arrows to re-select your earlier options. Also, when replacing text you should consider the text flow.

Alternatively, right-click the location for the note and select Note from the pop-up menu. The new comment appears in the Navigation pane. On release of the button a note is opened containing the text you previously selected.

Select the text followed by the tool or vice-versa: 1 Select, in Page View, the page onto which you want to place the annotation. Or right-click the page and select the tool from the pop-up menu.

The new text annotation appears in the Navigation pane. The font, style, justification and color of the text can be changed to your preference.

You can choose to change the properties of free text annotations. When the text is created you can choose to flatten the text onto the page so that it is treated in the same way as any other text. Free text annotations are added to a document using two methods. Or: 1 Select, in Page View, the page onto which you want to place the free text. The crosshair appears ready for you to select an area on the page.

You can add three types of hyperlinks to a document: a link to a page, a link to a web page and a link to a file. Once a link is added to a document selecting that link will automatically display the linked page, web page or file.

Add a link to a web page Select this option and enter the URL of the web page you want to display when the link is selected. Add a link to a file Select this option and use the displayed browser to select the file you want to open when the link is selected.

NOTE: If you add a link to a PDF which is moved onto another machine, the file and associated application must exist in the same location on that machine for the link to work. Click Cancel to abort the change. NOTE: If you have one of the standard setups selected you cannot edit it. If you can tolerate lossy compression, that is, compression that throws some of the data away never to be retrieved, use JPEG compression.

Note that the terms Zip and Flate are interchangeable; they both refer to the same kind of compression. These options allow you to control whether and how Corel PDF Fusion reduces the resolution of images in the file input.

Remember, when you halve the resolution you quarter the amount of data. Select Cancel to abort the changes. When you are working in a controlled environment where you know which fonts are loaded on the destination computer, choosing not to embed some or all fonts can further reduce the size. This option is selected by default. Therefore it may not need setting.

Select Cancel to abort any changes. This option ensures that the file meets the requirements for Linearized PDF and, under the right circumstances, it could be delivered and displayed progressively.

This option is used to ensure that all users within an organization have the same setups and, therefore, create output documents of the same type. However, doing this may cause your version of Corel PDF Fusion to produce unexpected results or fail. When a setup file is exported, all setups, default and custom, are saved to the XML file. When an XML file is subsequently imported you are presented with the option to accept or reject each individual setup. Ensure the file has a. This is because these locations are system specific and may not be appropriate on your system.

This option is used to ensure all users within an organization have the same setups and, therefore, create output documents of the same type. The file has a. Click No to cancel the import of the setup. Your document is converted to the selected format, an e-mail is opened with your system registered e-mail application, and the document is added as an attachment.

FDF files are used when you want to send the comments you have made in a document to someone who you know has the original PDF file. FDF files are much smaller in size and, therefore, much more portable. To add the comments in document as a. The comments are exported to an FDF file, an e-mail is opened with your system registered e-mail application with the FDF file as an attachment.

The version number and build date is in the lower left corner of the dialog. Repeat the selection to turn them back on. NOTE: If you forget or do not have the password you are not able to access the document. To add a watermark to a document: 1 Open and select the document to which you want to add the watermark. Style Select either bold or outline text. Color Select the color icon to display a color picker.

Choose a color from the set of basic colors, select a color in the picker, or enter specific values. Click Add to Custom Colors to save it when you have found a color you like. Size Either select a specific point size from the drop-down menu or select Auto fit. Auto fit automatically expands the text so that it fits the currently selected paper size.

Opacity Use the slider to choose an opaque value. A low value means that the text is less opaque, more transparent. Whereas a high value means that the text is more opaque less transparent. Rotation The rotation dial allows you to choose the angle at which the text is displayed. Selecting Cancel aborts the creation of the watermark.

You can then choose to save or abandon the new document. This is a system generated watermark and cannot be removed or changed without a serial number.

These options are also set when completing a document for publication using the Finish Document Wizard. The details contained in the associated tabs are the current security settings, as well as general information about the file, such as title and subject.

It also allows you to enter a title, subject, author, and keywords for the document. The following options are available in the Open Settings tab: Open to page Enter the page number you want the document to open at. Keep in mind that document page numbers are not necessarily the same as the page numbers printed on your document, which are known as folios.

For instance, your folios may not include the title page, contents list and copyright page. Document page numbering includes every page in a document, starting at the first page 1. View Select the default page view to use when the document is opened. The View options are as follows: Default: Displays a default page mode setting for the application; Continuous: Allows pages to be scrolled; Single page: Pages are displayed one at a time.

Zoom level Select the default zoom level to use when the document is opened. Navigation Choose how you want the Navigation pane to appear when the document is opened.

Open in presentation mode Select to open the document in full screen mode. Hide menus Select to conceal program menus when the document is opened. Hide toolbar Select to hide these toolbars when the document is opened. Remove File Security Use this to remove file security. The owner-level password is required to do this. Set File Security Use this to set file security.

This opens the Set File Security tab. To change the security settings that are currently in force in a document: 1 Click the Set File Security button on the Security Settings tab. Printing Choose whether to allow or disallow document printing. Copying of text and graphics Choose whether to allow the copying of text and graphics in the document.

Content access for visually impaired bit encryption only. Choose the security setting for making text available to screen readers for the visually impaired and for indexing. General editing includes working with pages, bookmarks and document opening properties. See also Document assembly, below.

Document assembly Choose the security setting for document assembly deleting, rotating, inserting and extracting pages , when general editing is not allowed. This option is not available when bit encryption is selected. Comment authoring Choose the security setting for adding and changing comments and form fields. See also, Form Field Fill-in and Signing. Form field fill-in and signing Choose the security setting for form fields and digital signatures when Comment authoring is not allowed.

This option is not available when 40bit encryption is selected. Encrypt metadata When selected, the document metadata title, subject, author and so on are encrypted along with the document content. Uncheck this option if you want to encrypt the contents of a document but still allow search engines access to the document metadata.

This option is available only when you select bit security. The Security Password and Open password options appear. NOTE: If you forget, or do not have the password you are not able to access the document. Bookmarks allow you to tag and identify locations, selected text and areas.

They are added in the Page View and displayed on the page and in the Navigation pane when the Bookmarks tab is selected. Figure 8. When you have used one of these options you can also use Undo and Redo. Deselect All Deselect all bookmarks. Select Level Select all bookmarks at the current level. Delete Delete the selected bookmarks. Edit Bookmark Destination Select to edit the destination of the bookmark. When you click this option the bookmark highlights. Your next action must be to click somewhere within the document and specify the location to be associated with the bookmark.

Properties Display the Bookmark properties dialog. Click Add Bookmark and then click onto the page to specify the location for the bookmark. The Bookmark Properties dialog appears. Click Add Text Bookmark to change cursor to an I-beam selector. Select the text to be bookmarked. Click Add Area Bookmark to change the cursor to a crosshair allowing you to select an area of the page to be bookmarked. Bold Select a bookmark and click this icon to make it bold.

Italic Select a bookmark and click this icon to make it italic. Choose the color of the Bookmark text Select a bookmark and click this icon to display the color picker. Choose from the set of basic colors, select a color in the picker or enter specific values. Click Add to Custom Colors to save the color. Name This displays the current bookmark name. You can enter a new name. Style These options change the font style of the bookmark.

Color Click to display a color picker. Choose colors from the set of basic colors, select a color in the picker, or enter specific values. The Destination Zoom panel contains the following options that decide the zoom value of the page to use when the bookmark is selected.

Fit Width Display the page associated with the bookmark so that it fits into the available width of the display window. In this case the page is opened so that the selected area of the bookmark fits into the display.

No Specific Zoom With this selected the page is opened with the current zoom option. NOTE: When you select a bookmark with a specified zoom value the whole document is zoomed to that value. The document zoom remains in force even if you delete the bookmark that specified the zoom. Select OK when you have completed the bookmark properties. Comments, sometimes called Notes, allow you to add various comments to a document.

Any notes you create can be spell checked. Annotations allow you to mark text with highlights, underlines or strike-outs. Both comments and annotations are added in the Page View and displayed on the page and in the Navigation pane when the Comments tab is selected. Properties Displays the Annotation properties dialog. Open Comment Opens the comment and displays its contents which you can edit.

Click the cross in the top right-hand corner to close the comment. Reset Comment Location Resets the comment to its original location. Deselect All Deselects all comments. Select Level Selects all the comments at the current level. Delete Deletes the selected comment from the document. The following tools are available: Comment type Select a comment followed by this icon to display the options to create a Note, Highlight, Underline or Strikeout annotation.

When you select a Note click the desired location on the page and then enter some text. For Highlights, Underlines and Strike-outs the cursor changes to an Ibeam allowing you to select the text you want to annotate. Delete Selected Comments Select a comment and click this icon to delete it. You can import or export comments. When comments are exported they are saved as an FDF file which can later be imported.

If you have the original PDF file you can import the FDF file and all the comments will appear in the correct locations. Use the Email Comments option to create an FDF file and open an email in the system-default e-mailing application containing FDF file as an attachment.

This appears to be a weakness of the Lotus Notes mail protocol implementation. If the items in the dialog cannot be changed uncheck Locked. Title Your user name is the default title.

You can, however, change the title. When you change the title of an annotation it remains for any other annotations you create. Click Color Choose a color from the set of basic colors, click a color in the picker or by enter specific values.

PNG or. Corel PDF Fusion supports the following features and file formats:. These file types are especially suitable for fast web viewing or for more efficient streaming of the XPS data to an output device. In addition, PDF files can be optimized for efficiency. Once you have chosen how you like your work area to be configured— window size and position, visibility of toolbars, and visibility of the Navigation pane—it remains until you decide to change it or choose to reset the application back to its factory settings.

Text selection can cross page boundaries and the selected text can be copied to, and pasted from, the clipboard. For PDF documents, text extraction is subject to the document\’s security settings. Search options include case sensitive search, forward or backward directions, search for whole words only. The style of any new text is the same as the selected text and no text reflow word wrapping is performed.

If the text you type goes over the edge of the page it is clipped. Adding new lines and correction of more than a single line is not possible. Correction of non-horizontal text is not supported. If you attempt to correct a character that does not exist in the current font, a font substitution mechanism is used to try and find the best match. You can specify whether you want the text redacting on the first occurrence only or all the text within a document.

This action can, when required, be performed on all open documents. The redaction function can redact arbitrary areas of the page. This allows, for example, all or parts of images to be blacked out. Any redactions applied in this manner cannot be undone. This means that any such objects are replaced by images. Therefore, they cannot subsequently be selected or manipulated. For example, if such an object is text, it will no longer be available for selection for highlighting or correction. When an area is selected for redaction any text which is intersected by that area is also redacted.

NOTE: The search does not find any words which are part of an image such as a photograph or scanned image. Any page can be dragged-and-dropped from any source document to any point within any target document.

You can create a new document from a selection of one or more pages in an existing document. You can delete pages from any open document. You can rotate pages by 90, or degrees clockwise or anti-clockwise. You can add an empty page to the current document or create a new document containing an empty page.

Pages can be moved and re-ordered through thumbnails. Pages reordered in the Navigation pane\’s thumbnail view are immediately reordered in the Assembly View. Watermarks can be added to a document in a variety of styles, colors, angles, and opacity.

You can change the bookmark properties, either individually or for a whole group of bookmarks, one property at a time or all of them simultaneously. Display, add and modify PDF markup annotations. You can spell check any comments you add to a document. Comments can be imported from FDF documents. Annotations can be exported to an FDF document.

Annotations can be e-mailed as a file attachment FDF. When the hyperlink is selected the defined page is displayed. When the hyperlink is selected the defined web page is opened.

When the hyperlink is selected the chosen file is opened. You can add or change the PDF open settings. You can read and modify general document information. You can view or modify file security. You have the ability to change various pieces of page level information.

For example, the page size. Some documents with the exception of XPS documents refer to external fonts, which might not always be available on the system where Corel PDF Fusion is running. Corel PDF Fusion can recover from this situation by applying a font substitution from the fonts stored on the computer. When font substitutions are performed, they are only applied to render the open document to the screen.

Font substitutions are not written to the file when the document is saved. Save Overwrites the original input document with the new version in the same format. Save As Lets you save the document under a new name. In addition to this you can save the document with a new format. NOTE: If you are using Corel PDF Fusion in viewer mode after the 30 day trial period , and take an action that changes the current document, a message appears informing you that you can continue to view this document but saving, printing or attaching it to an e-mail adds a watermark.

Purchase the full version to remove this restriction. Save prompts If you attempt to close a modified document, that has not been saved, you are presented with a prompt to save the changes before the document is closed. Select Yes to save or No.

Use Cancel to abort the close. Use the Apply to all files check box to apply your Yes, No or Cancel choice to all documents. If this is not selected, a save prompt is presented for each individual modified document. NOTE: A new document using pages from an existing document must be saved before you can re-save the existing document to its current name.

You can, however, use the Save as option. While all document formats naturally support a broad spectrum of common features, it is inevitable that some features that are specific to one format are not available in another. Furthermore, some formats—most importantly PDF—exist in multiple versions, where new versions have introduced features that are not available in older versions.

Corel PDF Fusion allows conversion between document formats and differing versions of formats. It also allows for the transfer of pages between documents in its workspace, without requiring those documents to be in the same version of a format, or even in the same format at all. The end result is that Corel PDF Fusion needs to deal with various cases where a document or page contains features that cannot be accommodated by the target document.

The destination document dictates the version number of the combined result. For instance, when a page is dragged from a PDF 1. When moving pages to a PDF document of an older version, Corel PDF Fusion performs a check on the page content to determine whether any features are used that are unavailable in the older version. If such features are found, a warning is displayed indicating that these features are lost.

Features that are specific to PDF such as annotations are dropped. For fonts not embedded in the PDF, additional font directories can be specified and fonts can optionally be accessed from those installed on the Windows system. Otherwise, a substitute is embedded in the XPS. Features that are specific to XPS and cannot be converted are dropped.

All fonts used by XPS documents are embedded in the package. On conversion they remain embedded in the PDF. All resources used by an XPS page are transferred to the destination document. Any security applied to a PDF document is honored. This is removed when a serial number is entered. A save prompt appears for any open modified documents.

Select Cancel to abort the close. NOTE: When multiple documents are opened only one is displayed. Click another tab in Page View or use Assembly View to see all the documents. File Click New to open a new document. Use Open and Open Recent to select a document or recently opened document. Click Exit to close the application. Help Click Contents to display the online help. Click Tooltips to display or remove text tips which appear when the cursor moves over an option.

Click About Click Buy Click Enter Serial Number Click Check for Updates Use the cancel icon in the Status bar to abort a save. This displays a standard Print dialog. Click again to undo your previous actions. All undo steps are retained until you save the file. Once saved, all levels of undo are discarded. Click again to redo next steps. All redo steps are retained until you save the file. Once saved, all levels of redo are discarded.

Refine your search by selecting Match case and Whole words options. If required, click the Search backward option. If you have previously performed a search select the Find what down-arrow to re- select it.

NOTE: Occurrences of a word or phrase that form part of an image, such as a photograph or scanned image, are not found. The Navigation pane is available in Page View. Use the Open File s dialog to select one or more documents. Click another tab or use Assembly view to see all the documents. If you have made a change but not saved, a save prompt appears. Otherwise, the document is removed from the display. Hold Ctrl and click the close icon to close the document without a confirmation message.

That is, the document is closed and any unsaved changes are lost. Use Save As to save it under a new name. It can be Saved As a new name. NOTE: If you are using Corel PDF Fusion in viewer mode and take an action that changes the current document, a message appears indicating that you can continue to view this document but saving, printing or attaching it to an e-mail adds a watermark.

Purchasing the full version removes this restriction. NOTE: All the tabs are color coded for ease of identification. When you are in Page View and the hand cursor is displayed you can drag and drop pages within the same document or to another document. With the hand cursor displayed click the document in the main window and use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll to the top or bottom of the page in Single page mode , or document in Continuous page mode.

Click-and-drag the horizontal scroll bar to reveal more of the width of document. Click- and-drag the vertical scroll bar to display more of the current page in Single page mode or more of the document in Continuous page mode. The following tools are also available:. Scroll icons upper Click the top-most icon to show or remove the Tool icons. Click the middle icon to display the first page in the document. Click the lowest icon to scroll to the top of the page or document depending on whether you are in Single or Continuous page mode.

Scroll icons lower Click the top-most icon to scroll to the bottom of the page or document depending on whether you are in Single or Continuous page mode. Click the next icon to display the last page in the document. Click the last two icons to page up or down through the document. Scroll icons left Click the left most icon to show or remove the Navigation pane. Click the next icon to scroll the page to the left. Go to page When you click this icon a dialog appears allowing you to enter the page number you want to display.

Scroll icons right Click this icon situated at the lower right of the window to scroll the page to the right. Continuous page mode In this mode, click the page and then use the hand icon to scroll the document. Alternatively, click-and-drag the vertical scroll bars or use the mouse wheel to scroll through the document. Single page mode In this mode, click the page and use the hand icon to scroll around the page.

Alternatively, click-and-drag the vertical scroll bars or use the mouse wheel to scroll to the top or bottom of the page. Actual Size The document is viewed at actual size. Fit to Width The document is zoomed to fit the width of the main document window. Fit to Page The document is zoomed so that a single page fits into the document window. Magnification The cursor is changed to a magnifying glass icon and, when clicked on the page, is used to increase the magnification.

Hold Ctrl and click to reduce the magnification. A marquee zoom option is provided which lets you choose an area of the page to zoom. Select the Magnifying glass icon and click-and-drag the area of the page you want to zoom. Holding Ctrl with click-and-drag reduces the zoom level. Click the magnifying glass icon again to turn off the zoom option. Zoom levels Select from a number of pre-defined magnification options. Page Zoom Use the slider to increase or reduce the magnification factor of the whole document in Continuous page mode , or the current page in Single page mode.

When hovering over text it appears as an I-beam allowing you to make text selections. Press and hold Shift and left-click to display the cursor as a crosshair allowing area selections. On release of the mouse button the following menu appears: 2 3 4 NOTE: If you prefer you can decide not to show the context sensitive menu bar by changing an option under Preferences. Menu A appears when text is selected.

Menu B appears when an area of text is selected press and hold Shift and left-click. Menu B appears when a blank page area is selected press and hold Shift and left-click. This text can subsequently be pasted into the Text Correction dialog for example.

When the button is released the Bookmark Properties dialog appears. Generally, the new text keeps the same format font, size and so on as the selected text. Some characters may not be available. Text re-flow is restricted to single lines of text. Also, text shifted off the side of the page will be clipped. NOTE: Text correction is only possible when the document security allows text editing. Double-click the underlined text to add a text comment. Click the close icon in the top right corner to close the comment box.

Double-click the strike-out text to add a text comment. Double-click the highlighted text to add a text comment. When the button is released a note appears containing the previously selected text. Select All Selects all items in the document. Deselect All Deselects all selected items. Copy Copies onto the clipboard text items selected on the page. The copied text can be pasted into another application such as Notepad. Note Lets you create a new note on the page. When the button is released a note appears.

Free Text Lets you add new text anywhere on the page. Highlight Applies a highlight to the selected text. Strike-Out Applies a strike-out to the selected text. Underline Applies an underline to the selected text. Correct selected text This is only available when text is selected. It displays a Text Correction dialog into which you can enter the text to replace the selected text. Pages can be freely copied between any of the source documents and the target.

It is important to note, however, that pages can be copied in any direction between any of the visible documents, but the usual requirement is to build the target document from pages found in the source documents.

In this view you can delete, rotate, reorder, insert pages and merge documents. If you decide to move another document to the top of the screen, designating it as the target, a message appears. You can check Don\’t show me this again so that this message is not displayed again.

When you first open Assembly View a help screen is displayed containing useful information on how to use this view. Once you have read this screen click Close to remove it. To prevent this help screen from appearing again select Do not show me this again. Drag-and drop pages in Assembly View to re-order them within a single document or add pages from other documents.

If you attempt to drag-and-drop pages in a document containing more pages than can be displayed, the document automatically scrolls when you reach the left or right side of the Assembly View window. When several documents are open, click on the tab of the document you want to view.

You can, however, use Save As to save it under a new name. You can also use Save As to save it under a new name. NOTE: All the title bars are color coded for ease of identification. In Assembly View drag and drop one or move pages to a new position in the current document or from one document to another. If you attempt to drag-and-drop pages in a large document, the document automatically scrolls when you reach the left or right side of the Assembly View window. Double-click a page within a document to display a magnified preview of the page.

Click again and the preview is removed. Click-and-drag the horizontal scroll bar to reveal more pages of the document. Title bar Click to reduce the displayed document to its title bar. Click again to re- display the document. This tool only appears for source documents. The target document, displayed at the top of the Assembly View window, cannot be reduced to only its title bar.

Undo Click to undo your last action. Redo Click to redo your last action. When pages are already stacked you can select them and add them to another stack. You can drag and drop, insert, extract, move, delete, rotate and copy and paste page stacks in exactly the same way as pages. Therefore, when a stack is merged into another stack, the original stack is lost and cannot be recovered, and when a stack is deleted, the stack cannot be recovered by undo.

The pages are recovered but they will be unstacked. NOTE: Page stacks do not affect the saved file at all. They persist only for the current session, that is, stacks disappear when the document is saved, reopened or the application is restarted.

Page stacks are maintained when changing views. Scroll icons Click to scroll page-by-page, move to the end of the document, scroll 10 pages at a time to the left, and scroll 10 pages at time to the right. Scroll icons Click to scroll to the start of the document, and to scroll page-by-page to the left. Page number Click and enter the page number you want to view. Select All Select all pages in the current document.

Deselect All Deselect all pages in the current document. Copy Copy the currently selected pages onto the clipboard. Paste Paste the currently selected pages.

Delete Delete the currently selected pages. Insert New Page Insert a new empty page to the left of the currently selected page. Extract Pages Create a new document containing the extracted pages. Use Assembly view to see all the documents. A small distance and the pages rotate slowly; a larger distance and the pages rotate more quickly. When you get to the page you want to view, click to stop. NOTE: The resources available to the computer determine the amount of interactivity available.

A more powerful computer reacts better than a lower specification computer. This is the same as using the Zoom Tool. The distance you click-and-drag determines the speed of rotation. Click it again to return to Flick View. They cannot, however, be moved or changed, and Notes cannot be opened. Go to When selected, enter the number of the page you want to view. Indicate Page Number Use this to remove the page number displayed in the top left corner of the screen. Show Comments Use this to hide or show comments.

Redacted text remains obliterated. Pages, Comments and Bookmarks are viewed in the Navigation pane. Note the yellow indicator identifying the location of the inserted page. NOTE: If you attempt to drag-and-drop pages in a document containing more pages than can be displayed, the document scrolls when you reach the top or bottom of the Navigation pane. You specify the size of your crop and the range of pages to which it is applied in this dialog.

A fixed size such as Letter, A4 can be selected. Alternatively, choose a custom crop size. Your selected crop is applied to the current page, selected pages or all pages. In the Size panel the following options are available: Crop to fixed size lets you select a predefined crop size such as A4, A5, Letter.

The crop is normally measured from the top and left side of the page. Select Centered to apply the crop centrally.

The thumbnail view of the page on the Crop Pages dialog displays the areas to be cropped as shaded. Select Static values to apply a custom crop size.

Select your preferred units from the drop-down menu. Constrain values makes all values the same. Uncheck this to insert different values for the Top, Bottom, Left and Right.

The values around the thumbnail image define the size of the crop. You can either directly enter a number or use the up and down arrows. The Apply To panel determines the pages to be cropped. Select the Entire document, Selected Pages or a Range of pages. If you have selected an area on a page you can select the Current page option. You enter a Range of pages such as to only crop pages numbered 2, 3 and 4.

The Crop drop-down menu allows you to apply the crop to All pages in range, Odd-numbered pages in range and Even-numbered pages in range. Therefore, if you have selected the whole document or a range of pages you can apply the crop to the whole range or just the odd or even numbered pages.

Select OK to accept your crop values or Cancel to abort them. NOTE: If cropping values that exceed the page size are entered, the values are ignored and no cropping is performed. The following options are available:. Select All Select all items on the page. Deselect All Deselect any selected items on the page.

Copy Copy onto the clipboard the selected pages. Paste Paste the pages previously copied to the clipboard above the currently selected page. Delete Select the pages to be deleted and click Delete to remove the pages. Insert New Page Insert a new blank page into your document. The new page is placed above the currently selected page. Extract Pages Extract the selected pages and create a new untitled document containing those pages.

Rotate Left Rotate the selected pages 90 degrees to the left. Rotate Right Rotate the selected pages 90 degrees to the right. However, you can use the following methods to change Corel PDF Fusion to suit your personal preferences. If you change the size or location of the Welcome screen and re-start the application, it reappears in your last selected state. A tick in the menu indicates an item is shown. Show Menu F10 Display of hide the menu toolbar.

Show Toolbars F11 Display or hide the icon toolbars. Show Statusbar F12 Display or hide the message window. The following options are available: Tooltips Show or hide text tips that appear when the cursor moves over an option. Tool Labels Show or hide text associated with icons. To do this: 1 Open a document and click on a single page to view the document in the Page View.

The pane can be moved anywhere; even outside the application window. Once you have moved a pane outside of the window another pane takes its place. Click this icon and the pane detaches itself.

If you have previously placed the pane elsewhere, the pane moves to that position. As you do this the panes shrink allowing space for the new pane. When in the correct position the cursor changes to a cross-hair. Restore defaults This button restores all dialog options to their default factory settings.

Click the Reset message dialogs option to re-enable all message dialogs so that they are displayed. PDF is the default setting. New page size This determines the default page size of any new page you create. Page orientation Choose whether the default page orientation is Portrait or Landscape. For example, when opening a Word file called testmanual.

When this is unchecked, the document is displayed as testmanual in the Page and Assembly Views. For example, open a document in Page View and shift-click on the page. Automatically show selection-sensitive button menus Uncheck this when you do not want to display the context-sensitive menu bar when you select text or an area. Preferred display units Select your preferred units from the drop-down menu.

Thumbnail size You can choose to have Normal or Large thumbnails. Enabling these options produces better screen displayed output, at the expense of performance. Show page reflections When checked each page has a reflection generated in Flick View. When changed, you must exit and re-enter Flick View for it to take effect. By default, the page settings in the document being imported are used.

Select the Configure import options button to open the Import Options dialog. Use Document Page Settings When this option is checked the default the page settings in the imported document are used. Click this option to activate and use all the options in this dialog.

The items in the Spreadsheet Options panel are designed specifically for importing spreadsheet documents. Show Grid Lines When checked, grid lines are generated and displayed in the output document between cells in the spreadsheet. Show Headings When checked, the row and column headings in the spreadsheet are displayed in the output document along with the data.

Fit to Page Select one of the options in the drop-down menu. No Scaling means that the spreadsheet is displayed in its original size onto as many pages as are required to fit the data. Fit to page automatically scales the document to fit either the page, the page width no larger than one page wide , or page height no larger than one page high.

Scale to Percent activates the Scale Percent field below and allows you to enter a percentage by which you want to scale the document.

These options scale the spreadsheet to fit the number of pages specified in the wide and tall fields. Because the aspect ratio of the spreadsheet is maintained, the lesser of the two dimensions width or height determines the scale factor.

Note that if either value is set to 0, the value in the other option is ignored. Printing Direction These options control the pattern in which the pages are printed, either across first and then down, or down first and then across. With Across and Down selected the pages are printed across first and then down. With Down and Across selected the pages are printed down first and then across.

The Default Page Margins panel allows you to specify the margins on your document. These options allow you to specify the top, left, bottom and right margins in cm from the edge of the page.

Page margins are applied when formatting word processing, database and spreadsheet files and are applied before any scaling. Under most circumstances the default system browser is used along with the proxy settings. If, however, you are part of a network in an office for example and the internet connection is restricted or requires further configuration, you should contact your system administrator.

Auto-detect proxy settings This is the default option and should be used when you want Corel PDF Fusion to automatically detect the proxy settings for your network.

Manual proxy configuration Use this when you have a list of one or more proxy servers. Ask your system administrator for the configuration information. Each proxy requires a hostname and a port number. The username and password options are optional, but they may be required by your network.

However, you have the option to create a backup file whenever a document is saved. This file is the same size as the original file. The following options are available in the Save Options panel: Always create a backup copy This is not checked by default. Check this option to create backups of your saved files. The backups are created in the same location as the original file.

The following options are available in the Spelling Options panel: Allow spell checking This option is checked by default, and when selected spell checking is activated for comments. Active dictionary Use the drop-down menu to select your preferred language for the spell checking dictionary.

A message appears indicating that conversion of all queued files is cancelled. Whether you\’re a company of 10 or 10,, PDF Fusion has affordable volume pricing to suit any size and any budget.

To learn how you can increase productivity and save your organization time and money using PDF Fusion, please also contact one of our helpful Sales Representatives. Learn more about Corel volume licensing. PDF Fusion offers comprehensive technical support to handle all your needs, including online assistance and a toll-free help line staffed by knowledgeable experts. For added support, take advantage of flexible and cost-effective maintenance plans, which offer priority technical assistance as well as upgrade protection that ensures you always have the latest product patches, updates and versions.

Learn more about Corel maintenance plans. Choose the deployment and installation method that best suits your business\’s needs. Updates and upgrades are also available for instant download, ensuring your organization always has access to the latest versions.

With PDF Fusion, installation is quick, easy and painless. Using new software often means taking the time to train employees. PDF Fusion, however, is incredibly easy to use, with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that lets users become proficient in just minutes.

For more advanced functions, PDF Fusion also offers built-in training tutorials that allow your users to get up to speed quickly and easily. Improve your business\’s productivity with PDF Fusion—and reduce the number of calls to your IT helpdesk at the same time! Looking for more details on how PDF Fusion can help your business save money and time while improving productivity?


Corel pdf fusion user guide free.Corel Pdf Fusion User Guide

Manual Corel PDF Fusion View the Corel PDF Fusion manual for free or ask your question to other Corel PDF Fusion owners. It may show your work in a page format on a single screen. This software is great for % activating all items. Users are testing different. Manual. View the manual for the Corel PDF Fusion here, for free. This manual comes under the category Photo/video software and has been rated by 2 people.


Corel PDF Fusion manual (English – pages)

gtuCorel PDF Fusion Crack & License Key Free Download Full Version Corel PDF Fusion Crack is an all-in-one pdf maker that allows you to. Manual. View the manual for the Corel PDF Fusion here, for free. This manual comes under the category Photo/video software and has been rated by 2 people. Corel PDF Fusion supports the conversion of documents between various formats. While all document formats naturally support a broad spectrum of common features.


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