Microsoft word 2016 running slow free

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One common problem faced on many computers is the slow launching or termination of MS Word. This problem is usually due to a corrupted or problematic \” Normal. The \” Normal. This tutorial fixes the following problem s of Word: Word is alow slow to mivrosoft, load documents or close.

To solve these problems find the word templates location folder and delete the продолжить чтение. To do this follow these steps:.

At the \”Run command box\” copy and paste one of microskft following commands according to your operating system version and then press OK.

Locate the ffee called \” Normal. Don\’t worry about the deletion. Close Word. Open the Registry Editor. At Registry Editor, navigate to the following registry location according the installed Word Office version:. That\’s it! Let me know if microsoft word 2016 running slow free guide has helped you by leaving your comment about your experience.

Please like and share this guide to help others. We\’re looking for part-time or full-time technical writers to join our team! It\’s about a remote position that qualified tech writers from anywhere in the world can apply. Click here for more details. How toTutotialWindowsWindows 10Windows Martin July 30, am.

John West June microsoft word 2016 running slow free, am. B May 26, pm. Firdavs March 24, pm. Angie February 4, pm. It worked. I am on windows 10 and mine was opening fine. Everytime I shut a word file it was taking microsoft word 2016 running slow free 15 seconds to show it had closed. The first option in this page worked. Thank you so very much. December 16, pm. Me September 17, am.

I have officedoes\’nt worked for me :i have not only 12 but 11 there i have find what you wrote miceosoft deleted still is open sloooow.

Rick September 9, am. Tony September 7, am. My gosh, changing the registry keys solved the problem. It now snaps open and closes the same. Thanks a million. Jeremy June 3, am. Musta May 9, pm. Patrick Hoggard February 24, pm. Eron January 12, pm. Elon April 21, am. Aram Dodakian October 23, pm. Ray Cummins May 31, am. I use Word 10 to create documents. I also have Word 7 on my computer micosoft never use it intentionally.

However whenever I try to open a Word 10 document the computer uses Word 7 and I must wait while the computer configures Word 7 and microsoft word 2016 running slow free seconds later the Word document will open. How do I correct this. Patrick Humphrys January 18, am. Aruna August 30, am. This only worked the first time I opened word after deleting normal. Then its back to the old slow opening. Any suggestions? Anonymous January 31, am.

Scott S Nelson February 14, pm. Ravindra K. Banthia November 17, pm. The files open readily when I AM connected to the internet via my USB dongle with a sim microsoft word 2016 running slow free, mobile internet connection. When I use tethering to connect to the internet using the Wi-Fi Hub, even a new, empty file takes almost a minute to open. Larger files take even longer. I did not configure the Wi-Fi Hub manually; fres installed automatically without any errors other больше на странице a Linux related microsoft word 2016 running slow free.

A friend says to reinstall MS Office and turn off the online help option that comes during the installation. Does that make sense? Banthia: This is strange. Try to disable all Add-ins: 1. Click \”Add-Ins\” on the left. Disable Clear all Add-ins. Close and re-open Word.

David October 23, am. Susan August 11, pm. Thank microsoft word 2016 running slow free It was taking at least a minute for the Word program to start up.

Now it takes less than 5 seconds. You are awesome! Thanks again. THis happens because in Normal templates are stored the custom user settings. But if Normal Template is problematic or corrupted, the Word is very slow.

Vincent Rosaati January 23, pm. Manmohan Aseri October 27, pm. Jayant Kolte September 26, am. H ns September 3, pm. Woody, thanks man. I have читать больше so many options that seem to work for others but not for me. I use office and i remembered after reading your solution that i had microsoft word 2016 running slow free Soda PDF 5 recently. It turned out microsoft 2016 recover deleted emails free download be the causing the problem of my annoying slow start and closing of word documents.

I\’m happy…. Shahzaib Rehman July 30, am. It worked Like a dream! You just saved hours of my life! Marie May 2, pm. Woody March 28, pm.

Solution to Microsoft Word slow to launch: it was taking one minute or more for Word to open. I discovered a PDF reader funning that was loading at the same time. Now the program loads normally. Shirish November 27, am. Kevin M June 25, pm. Hi, looking for some advice.

I followed the tutorial and it fixed the problem for the next 2 times that I opend Wrod Ver Then it was back to 30 seconds to open. I again deleted the mormal.



Microsoft word 2016 running slow free.About this item


На мониторе появилось символическое изображение конверта – это значило, что пришло сообщение по электронной почте. Сьюзан бросила быстрый взгляд на Хейла, но тот был всецело поглощен своим компьютером. Затаив дыхание, Сьюзан дважды щелкнула по конверту.

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