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As well as its greater cloud integration thanks to Office and OneDrive that we mentioned above, the majority of updates take place at graphical and visual level:. The Internet has become an important work platform and Office takes full advantage of the latter by including Microsoft in the same package. Therefore, collaborative possibilities increase , as using OneDrive makes it possible to store all the work and make it accessible from anywhere, facilitating synchronization tasks.

In addition, the suite can be installed on five different computers with a single license, an advantage that will certainly be welcomed by users. This version of Office codenamed by Microsoft as Office 15 was released on October 25, It features the following tools :. These apps are available in different packages depending on the version : Home and Students, Home and Business, Standard, Professional and Professional Plus, the first being the most basic and the last the most complete.

There are versions of Office that have a product activation key depending on how the software was purchased. This is quite usual with physical copies or new computers that have the program pre-installed.

It is a combination of 25 letters and numbers with this structure :. It may be requested during the installation process or you may need to go to Office. Skip to main content.

You may also like these articles. February 18, Read more. February 10, Select Fill Without Formatting to copy the data from the original cell to the destination cells without changing the existing format.

NOTE: These auto fill options will vary depending on what you have just filled e. Click on the Save tool located on the Quick Access Bar. The first time you save a document, Excel provides a dialog box prompting you to enter a file name, as shown below: Letters, numbers and spaces are allowed.

In this latest version using Windows Vista, the address bar is displayed a bit differently, as shown below: The path is displayed horizontally on the bar instead of vertically as was the case in previous versions. If you want to save the workbook in another format such as another spreadsheet application or any previous version of Excel so that someone else can edit the file who does not have this version , click on the down arrow beside the box labeled Save as type and select the format from the list provided.

Enter a name for the workbook in the box labeled File name and then click on to actually save the file. Select the paper size you would like to use when printing your worksheet. Choose to either set the print area or clear it. Choose whether you want to insert a page break, remove one, or rest all page breaks within the worksheet.

Scaling This section allows you to enlarge or reduce the printout. Not all printers will be able to use this feature. Use the Adjust to: option to reduce or enlarge the output from 10 to percent of the original size.

Use the Fit to: option to specify exactly how many pages wide or tall you want the final printout to be. Paper size Provides various paper sizes to choose from. Available sizes will vary from printer to printer. Print quality Allows you to specify the resolution dots per inch for printing.

The higher the number, the better the quality – but it also takes longer. First page number Leave this option at Auto to start page numbering at the next sequential number or enter a number with which the first page should begin.

In the section called Header is a pull-down list of predefined headers. Simply click on the down arrow and choose from the list of available headers. In the section called Footer is a pull-down list of predefined footers. Simply click on the down arrow and choose from the list of available footers. Use the following buttons to add special options: Allows you to customize the font. Inserts the current Page Number.

Adds the Total number of pages in the printout. If you have a picture, use this to Format the Picture. If you selected a block before you entered this box, the block will already be displayed.

If not, you may enter the range as A1:B15 to specify that the block from A1 to B15 should be printed. You can enter more than one range if you separate the ranges with a comma – as in A1:B15,DF Print titles This section allows you to specify rows to be printed along the top or the columns to be printed along the left of each page. To specify a range, click in the row or column section and then type the block. Click on this button to the right of these two sections to return to the worksheet to select the block.

When done, reactivate the Page Setup dialog box. Black and white is used to print in black and white for faster printing. Checking the Draft quality option speeds up the printout by printing less graphics and suppresses the gridlines. Check the Row and column headings box to print the row numbers and column letters around the border of the printout.

Depending on your preference, you can choose to print Comments on a separate page at the end of your document or as they are displayed in the worksheet. Page order Use this section to specify the order pages are to be printed. You can choose to print Down, then Across or Across, then Down. You should notice the button to the right side of each of the tabbed boxes. You should also notice the button within each of the tabbed dialog boxes. If you want to see how the worksheet will print based on the current settings, click on this button.

Once you have made your selections from the various tabs, click on the button. If you do not specify otherwise, Excel assumes you want to print the entire worksheet. It is possible, though, to specify a print range. This button allows you to further specify how the document will be printed. You will be taken to a dialog box where you can define Once all printer options have been set, choose to have Excel begin printing the document.

Create a second formula in cell G2 which calculates the percentage of the objective and then add totals at the bottom of the table for each of the three months.

If, however, you are in the midst of working with one file and then decide to create another workbook, you will need to instruct Excel as to what type of new document you want to create. A template is used to determine the basic structure of the workbook and can contain predefined settings, such as formulas, formatting, and macros. The far left section contains a list of available template categories that you can base your new workbook on.

The new workbook will be created – based on the template you have selected. Choosing to open a file will place the requested workbook in another window so that more than one file can be open at the same time.

You can then switch between the opened workbooks using the taskbar across the bottom of your screen or by accessing the View Ribbon.

The following dialog box will be displayed: Along the left side of the dialog box, Excel displays the Navigation Pane. You could then select the folder containing your Excel files. If you click on the down arrow beside the button, you can choose from a list of options such as opening the file as read- only or as a copy. For example, if you have a title in cell A1 that you would like centered across several adjacent columns they must be blank , you can have Excel automatically merge the cells and then center the data in that new cell.

Once selected, release the mouse button. If you select this tool a second time, Excel will remove the centering and place the data in the original cell. This can be useful when trying to label narrow columns. Begin by selecting the cell s to be modified. Click on the Orientation tool which is located within the Alignment section on the Home Ribbon. A list of orientation choices is displayed.

Select the one you want to use. If you select the same choice a second time, the cell s will revert back to the normal orientation. This can make numbers difficult to read at times and inconsistent.

Excel does, however, allow you to access other built-in formats such as percentage signs, dollar signs, etc. Select the cells to format and then choose one of the following tools located within the Number section on the Home Ribbon : Formats the current selection for currency with a dollar sign, a comma as a thousand separator and 2 decimal places. Example: 4, Each time this button is selected another decimal place is added to the selection.

Decreases the number of decimal places displayed. Each time this button is selected another decimal place is removed from the selection. Click on the down arrow beside this tool located within the Number section of the Home Ribbon to choose from a list of formats. These formats include fonts, borders, patterns, alignment, and shading.

Notice you can create a new cell style yourself or merge styles contained within another workbook. If you have a shortcut on your desktop, double-click on the Microsoft Office PowerPoint icon. Although the quickest way of running PowerPoint is through the desktop shown above , you can also open the Start menu which is located along the left side of the taskbar at the bottom of the desktop to locate any program available on your system. You will notice that the program window includes many of the standard elements common to most Office applications as well as a few items that are unique to PowerPoint.

Along the top left corner of the screen is the Office Menu Button which provides quick access for creating, opening, converting, saving, printing, preparing, sending, publishing, and closing files. Recently accessed presentations are also listed within this menu. This button provides the only true menu within PowerPoint or the other Office applications.

The name of current presentation is displayed in the middle of the Title Bar. The second line contains a new feature within PowerPoint and is called the Ribbon Bar. Each tab on the ribbon relates to a type of activity, such as inserting an object or designing a slide. There is no way to delete or replace the ribbon with the toolbars and menus from previous versions of Microsoft Office.

However, you can minimize the ribbon to make more space available on the screen. If you prefer using the mouse, point to an empty space to the right of the last tab across the top of your screen and click the [RIGHT] mouse button. From the pop-up menu, choose Minimize the Ribbon. Each time you press A, PowerPoint displays corresponding letters for the ribbon items to help you to continue using keyboard shortcuts to select them.

Below the ribbon are three window panes. Select Outline to include the actual text of each slide within this pane. Select Slide to view thumbnails of each slide within this pane. The large middle pane contains the currently selected slide and is your actual working area.

Directly beneath the working area is yet another pane which can be used to add notes to the current slide. Each presentation is based on a theme which consists of a family of fonts, colors, graphics, etc.

The third icon along the status bar indicates whether PowerPoint has detected any spelling errors. A red X indicates an error has been located. Towards the right side of the status bar are the View Icons. These icons allow you to switch to the various views – depending on what you are currently doing. For example, normal view is best for adding graphics or editing existing objects while the slide sorter is used to quickly rearrange or delete slides within your presentation.

The slide show tool is used to display a visual presentation of all of your slides using various special effects. Just to the right of the view icons is the Zoom area.

PowerPoint displays the current percentage just to the left of this area. To quickly move to the next or previous slide, PowerPoint provides buttons in the lower right side of the vertical scroll bar. The following dialog box will be displayed: Along the left side of the dialog box, PowerPoint displays the Navigation Pane.

You could then select the folder containing your presentation files. However, if you click on you can choose to display other types of files such as templates or Web pages. Once you have located the presentation you want to open, double- click on it or highlight the name of the file and click. If you click on the down arrow beside the button, you can choose from a list of options such as opening the file as read-only or opening a copy of the file. TIP: To open more than one file at a time, select the first by clicking on its name once to highlight it.

Once all required files have been selected, click on to actually open them. TIP: By default, PowerPoint lists your most recently accessed files along the right side of the Office menu so that you can quickly reopen a presentation. You can increase the number of files displayed within the Office menu to a maximum of 50 by clicking on the button within the Office menu and then choosing the Advanced set of options. Simply click on the presentation file you want to switch to and that file will become the active window.

They are most often used when presenting information to an audience. Slide shows can be instrumental in conveying your message to a group of people since graphics can help make it more understandable. You can connect your PC to an overhead projector and display the show to a large group of people or it can be used on the PC in front of a small group i.

It can either be running in the background as you speak to the group or you can add enough special effects and sound that the show itself is sufficient in conveying the point you are trying to make.

Rather than simply showing the audience a set of boring slides, including animation and special effects give the presentation added appeal so that the slides hold the audience\’s attention while still making a dramatic point. It is possible to control the flow of the show using either the keyboard or the mouse. It can be a self-running demonstration or can run interactively with the audience depending on your requirements. You can also change the sequence of the slides in the middle of the show if needed.

Running a slide show displays each of the slides contained within a presentation file one at a time on the computer screen. You can determine an automatic time interval between slides being drawn on the screen or you can instruct PowerPoint that you want to manually determine the speed each of the slides is drawn.

If you run it manually, you can use the mouse or keyboard to move between slides. Another nice feature is the ability to Rehearse the times between slides by previewing the show and setting individual times for each slide of the presentation. PowerPoint will immediately begin displaying the slide show – with the first slide taking up the full screen.

Click on this button located with the other slide show tools in the bottom left corner of the slide show screen to display the previous slide. The tools are very light in color so that they do not distract from the slide show. Press Y or N to move to the next slide. Press Z or O to move to the previous slide. Press X to cancel the show. The leftmost pane is most often used to display thumbnails of each slide within your presentation while the large middle pane displays the currently selected slide.

The pane beneath the working area is used for adding and displaying slide notes. To switch between the various views, PowerPoint offers a series of buttons located along the bottom right of the screen, as shown in the diagram below: Each view has its advantages.

For example, the normal view is best used to show the outline and current slide simultaneously. The slide sorter view is best used to view the entire presentation at once, rearrange the slides, copy and move slides between presentations and delete slides from the presentation.

The slide show view is best used to preview your presentation to verify the timing and transition methods between slides. Along the status bar just to the right of the viewing icons is the Zoom area. You can also drag the slider horizontally to change the slide size as it appears on the screen.

These miniature slides are spread across several rows on a single screen whenever possible. This view is the quickest way to move slides around and delete unwanted slides. Click on this button located with the other view buttons along the bottom right side of the screen to access the Slide Sorter view. As you begin dragging a slide, a thin vertical line is displayed to indicate where the slide will be placed when you release the mouse button. This option is also useful when working in slide view to show you what the slide will look like when printed on a black and white printer.

Once you select grayscale or black and white, the ribbon changes to display various grayscale options to further customize your view. Once you have chosen grayscale or black and white, click on this button to return to color view. These notes can be printed as a reference for the speaker to help them with the presentation as they deliver it or can be left blank and handed out to the audience so that they can write their own comments as the presentation is being delivered.

The screen changes to display the slide with an area at the bottom for notes, as shown in the diagram below: Before entering your notes, you might want to switch to a larger viewing size by clicking on the increase button located just to the right of the current zoom factor along the bottom right side of the screen. Notice along the bottom left side of the screen on the status bar that PowerPoint indicates the current slide number.

Along the bottom right side of the slide on the vertical scroll bar are two buttons which can be used to quickly move to the previous and next slide within the presentation. Click on either of these two buttons to move to the previous or next slide. Along the right side of the slide, PowerPoint displays a vertical scroll bar which can be used to move to specific slides. PowerPoint allows you to move, copy, resize, delete and change the color of the selected object.

If the object contains text, you may also edit the font and size of the text, as well as any attributes that may have been applied.

Move to the edge of unfilled objects or to the middle of filled pictures. Once you see the pointer change to a four-way arrow, click the [LEFT] mouse button. An object is selected when it has the outline of a box with small circular handles.

A rotation handle appears at the top of the selected object. NOTE: If you click on an object a second time while holding S down , you will be deselecting that object. TIP: You can also click in an empty area and drag a rectangle around all the objects to select. PowerPoint selects all objects enclosed within the rectangle. From the pull-down list, choose Select All. To unselect specific objects, hold the S key down and click the objects that you do not want to include in the group.

From the pull-down list, choose Selection Pane. The right side of the screen will display a list of all the objects on the slide. You can also rename objects by double- clicking on its current name. The reorder arrows are used to change the priority of overlapping objects. Be sure that the mouse pointer changes to the four- way arrow. Click and drag the object to its new location. Notice that as you drag the mouse, a transparent version of the object follows your mouse pointer.

TIP: You can also move an object by selecting it and then clicking on located within the Clipboard section of the Home Ribbon. To paste it in a new location, click on the tool. Be sure that the mouse pointer changes to the four-way arrow.

Hold down the C key. Continue to hold the C key down while dragging the object to its new location. As you drag the object, notice that a transparent copy of the object is dragged with the mouse pointer. The original object will be copied to its new location. TIP: You can also copy an object by selecting it and then clicking on located within the Clipboard section of the Home Ribbon. To paste it, click on the tool. NOTE: Dragging the handles of a text item only serves to change the left or right margins of the text block.

This may cause the text to wrap within the margins. To undo more than one action, click on the down arrow beside the tool. To modify the default value, click on the Office button and choose located along the bottom right section of the menu. From the resulting Window, choose Advanced. Click on this tool located on the Quick Access toolbar to Redo the last action. You can change the color of the lines surrounding an object, the fill color or pattern within the object, add shading or even apply 3D effects to some objects.

If you do not see the desired color from the list, select More Outline Colors Notice as you move your mouse over each of the options within the list, PowerPoint provides a preview of the selected object using the option you are currently pointing to. If you do not see the desired color from the list, select More Fill Colors A gradient typically consists of two colors gradually blending from one color to the other. You can select the colors to be used as well as the intensity and the direction in which the gradient will be generated.

Textures are basically small patches of patterns that resemble real- life textures such as marble, cloth, grass, paper, wood, etc. Rather than using one of the built-in textures or patterns, you can also choose to fill an object with a custom picture. First, select the text to be edited by clicking the pointer on the text item that you want to edit.

You can also select a single word or group of characters from within a text object. To select an entire text object, click on it once. The first time you click, you will be able to edit the text or highlight just a portion of the text to be modified. If you click a second time this time on the border surrounding the text , you will select the entire text object.

Do not click the second time until you see the pointer change shape to a four-way arrow. Notice that PowerPoint automatically displays a preview of each font in the list so you can see how the font looks before selecting it. You can either create a presentation from scratch or use one of your own existing files to base the new presentation on.

Using a template can save you a great deal of preparation time. The following window will be displayed: The window is divided into three sections. The far left section contains a list of available template categories that you can base your new presentation on.

Some of the templates require Internet access. The new presentation will be created – based on the template you have selected.

Simply click on the presentation you want to switch to and that file will become the active window. If you click on the button, you will notice two options for saving a presentation: Save and Save As. Click on the Save button located on the Quick Access Bar.

The first time you save a presentation, PowerPoint provides a dialog box prompting you to enter a file name, as shown below: Enter a name for the presentation in the box labeled File name and then click on to actually save the file. Click on the down arrow beside the current printer to choose from a list of available printers. Click on the button to access a second dialog box where you can customize the settings for the selected printer. This section also contains a check box, allowing you to save the print settings to a file which can then be accessed at a later time.

This can be useful when you are working on a laptop and are not connected to a printer. Print range Use this section to specify which slides are to be printed. You can print All the slides, or just the Current slide.

If you had selected several slides while in the Slide Sorter View, you could choose to print the current Selection. You can also select a Custom Show or specify a list of Slides by typing in the slide numbers to print. Enter the slide numbers separated by commas 4,7,9. If you want to print a range of slides, use a dash to indicate a continuous range for example, Slides This is the default option and is used to print the slides. Handouts Prints the slides for audience handouts.

Notes Pages Also known as \”speaker notes\”. Each slide is printed across the top of a page, leaving the bottom half blank for \”notes\”.

This can be useful for jotting down notes along with the picture so that you know what you want to say. Outline View This option prints the outline which you can use to give your presentation or to hand out. Handouts If you plan on presenting the audience with some form of handouts, consider using this section.

Slides are printed 2, 3, 4, 6 or 9 per page. This makes it easy for them to follow the presentation and to take notes. There is also an area where you can choose whether the slides are printed horizontally or vertically. Grayscale Converts all colors to shades of gray for a black and white printer. At the bottom of the Print dialog box are a series of check boxes, as discussed below: Scale to fit paper This option reduces or enlarges the printout to match the selected paper size.

This option does not affect the dimension of the slide within the presentation itself, only the print-out. Frame slides Check this box to add a thin frame around the print-outs.

Include comment pages Check this box to include any comment pages you may have added. Print hidden slides If you have created hidden slides within the presentation so that they don\’t appear during a slide show , use this option to print them now.


Microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download.Office 2013 Quick Start Guides

Windowsのパソコンを常時起動しておくように設定しているのですが、放置していると電源が切れているのかスリープ状態になっているのか画面切り替えをした時にすぐに使えず困っています。 画面を閉じたまま、常時起動しておくようにするにはどうすれば良いでしょうか? また、タッチキーボードは大きくならないのでしょうか?テレビに接続しているときです。. Office のプロダクト キー. Office の製品情報やインストール方法、TIPS など 詳細はこちら. How to Convert DB to VCF using Microsoft Access and Opal-Convert vCard to Excel to vCard.


Microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download. Microsoft Officeダウンロード


The most popular office suite on the market has come up with the ultimate адрес страницы. Microsoft Office has been completely renovated with the launch of Windows 8, presenting important frfe features that go way beyond the appearance of the interface, such as its improved cloud integration that enhances collaborative work among different users, and microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download an overhaul of microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download most tradition tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Outlook, OneDrive, Lync, OneNote, InfoPath, etc.

Microsoft\’s office suite has a very new look compared to previous versions, but without giving up the flagship features and utilities that caused this package to be considered the most продолжить чтение office utility around. New improvements have also been implemented that help users to optimize their time better and make the most of the Internet. The successor of Office and the predecessor of the future Office comes along with loads of updates that improve its functions regarding the previous version.

As well as its greater cloud integration thanks to Office and OneDrive that we mentioned above, the majority of updates take place at graphical and visual level:. The Internet has become an important work platform and Office takes full advantage of the latter by including Microsoft in the same package. Therefore, collaborative possibilities increaseas using OneDrive makes it possible to store all the work and make it accessible from anywhere, facilitating synchronization tasks. In addition, the suite manuual be installed on five different computers with a single license, an advantage that will certainly be welcomed by users.

This version of Office codenamed by Microsoft as Office 15 was released on October 25, It features the following tools :. These apps are available in different packages depending on the version : Home and Students, Home and Business, Standard, Professional and Professional Plus, the first being the most basic and the last the most complete.

There are versions of Office that have a product activation key depending on how the software was purchased. This is quite downlod with physical copies or new computers that have the program pre-installed. It is a combination of 25 letters and numbers with this structure :. It may be requested during the installation process or you may need to go to Office. Then, you will find the option to activate Office, and that is where you will have to enter the key. If this is a version of Office that came 1/1190.txt on a new microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download, you have to go pdt the Windows Start menu and choose Microsoft Office and the Enable option.

While other versions of Office such as Home, Student, Business, or Professional microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download require microxoft to provide payment information as well as request to renew your product subscription, the version may require читать больше to provide payment information as well as request to renew your product subscription.

Greater cloud integration and an important graphical renovation Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Requirements and additional information:. This is a trial version that can be used for 60 days. Runs on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Requires burning microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download image onto a disc to install it. A Windows Live ID account is required. Antony Peel. Software languages. Author Microsoft. Updated Over a year ago. Apache OpenOffice 4. Microsoft Publisher Office Ok We use our own and third-party cookies for advertising, session, mnual, and social network purposes.

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Microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download.Microsoft Word 2013


Microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we\’ll email you a reset link. Need an account?

Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Microsoft Office Training Manual. A short summary of this paper. This publication, including the student manual, instructor\’s guide and exercise files, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior written permission of EZ-REF Courseware.

All other products or brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Any persons or businesses mentioned in на этой странице text of this manual are strictly fictitious. Any resemblances to existing or deceased persons, microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download existing or defunct businesses, is entirely coincidental. This is not a step-by-step tutorial. Our feeling is that you did not pay to have someone stand in front of class and read you something that you could do on your own.

Through our own classroom experience we have discovered that students don\’t read detailed descriptions and that lengthy text is ignored. They prefer to microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download and try things out. In typical tutorials, students often get lost following rote procedures and get caught in error conditions from which they can\’t back out of.

Besides, once students leave class, they just want something they can use to look up a subject quickly without having to read through an entire tutorial. Our design ensures that each course is stimulating and customized yet covers the outlined objectives. The left page of your manual is designed for note-taking. That way, you won\’t have to switch between your notebook and a manual whenever you need to look up how to perform an operation.

Keys and commands that you need to press are displayed as icons such as E or Z. Each topic starts on a new page, making things easy to find and follow. In addition, topics covering actual commands always begin with the USAGE section where we explain the purpose of the command.

Although you will usually be по этому сообщению the mouse to make your selections there are also shortcut keys that can be used at times so we will also include those.

Any adobe photoshop cc student discount free shortcuts will be displayed with a keyboard icon while mouse shortcuts will include a picture of the mouse icon.

The next page shows how a typical topic will be discussed and each part found in the book. Since MS Office applications were all written to be used interactively with a mouse, there will be many tools that will be mentioned which can be used in place of the menu or keyboard. This section lists the keystrokes or function keys the user may press as a shortcut for performing the current command. NOTE: This box will mention things to watch out for.

The writing icon in the left column always по этой ссылке an important note to remember. TIP: This box will let you in on a little secret or shortcut. The pointing hand always indicates a \”TIP\”. If you have assigned a shortcut to your desktop, double-click on the Microsoft Office Word icon to run the application.

Although the quickest way of running Word is obviously through the desktop, you can also access the Start menu which allows you to locate any program available on your system.

The screen can be quite intimidating the first time you see it as there are so many items displayed on it. However, if you take a посмотреть больше minutes to familiarize yourself with the various screen elements, the program will become easier to work with.

Along the top left corner of the screen is the Office Button which provides quick access for creating, opening, converting, saving, printing, preparing, sending, publishing, and closing files.

Recently accessed documents are also listed under this button. This button provides the only true menu within Word or any other MS Office application. Click on the button to the right of these tools to customize this Quick Access Toolbar. The name of current document followed by the application name is displayed in the middle.

The second line contains a new feature within Word There are tabs located on this line which are used to access a series of Ribbons to help you quickly find the commands needed to complete a task. Commands are organized in logical groups that are collected together under these tabs. Each tab on the Ribbon relates достаточно adobe creative suite master collection 6.0 free попали a type of activity, such as inserting an object or laying out a page.

To reduce screen clutter, some tabs are shown only when they are needed. There is no way to delete or replace the Ribbon with the toolbars and menus from previous versions of Microsoft Office.

However, you can minimize the Ribbon to make more space available on the screen. If you prefer using the mouse, point to an empty space just to the right of the last tab across the top of your screen and click the [RIGHT] mouse button. From the pop-up menu, choose Minimize Ribbon. If microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download prefer using your microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download, point just to the right of the last tab and click your [RIGHT] mouse button.

From the pop-up menu, again choose Minimize Ribbon this time to de-select it. Use the A key to access the ribbon directly from the keyboard. Microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download time you press A, Word displays corresponding letters microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download the ribbon items to help you to continue using keyboard shortcuts to select them.

Along the right side of the screen is the scroll bar used to quickly move vertically within your document. Use the arrows located across the top and bottom of the scrollbar to move up and down. To move more quickly, drag the small rectangle located within the scroll bar to the desired location up or down.

If you zoom to a larger size than can fit horizontally within the window, a horizontal scroll bar will appear across the bottom of the screen.

The actual microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download area is the large interior portion of the window that the program uses to display its data and special symbols. In Word, this working section is referred to as the Text Area. Within the text area you should see a small blinking vertical line, referred to as the Insertion Point or cursor.

It marks the spot where your next typed character will appear. You should also see an I-beam 1/9074.txt indicates where the mouse pointer is located. As you move the mouse to the Ribbon area at the top of the screen or along the left or right edges of the document, it will change into the shape of an arrow. The arrow is used to point to items увидеть больше the Ribbon or to select lines of text.

Just below and to the left of the vertical scroll bar is the Zoom Area. Notice you can click on the increase or decrease buttons to change the zoom factor. Адрес страницы can also microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download the slider horizontally to change the text size as it appears on the screen.

Word displays the current percentage just to the left of this area. To the left of the zoom area are five View Icons. These are used to change the current page for display purposes. Simply click on the view you want to switch to. The far left side of this line contains the Status Bar. This section indicates the current typing position, how many words have currently been entered in the document, and provides information on proofing tools. To make working with multiple documents less confusing, Word displays all opened documents along the taskbar at the very bottom of the screen.

Rather than having to access the Ribbon labeled View to switch between opened windows, you can simply use your mouse to click on the name of the file you want to access directly on the taskbar. Once selected, that document becomes the active window. Help can be as generic as explaining how to print within the program or as specific as detailing each item within a dialog box. To display help in any of детальнее на этой странице applications, simply click on this tool located on the far right side of microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download tabs and just above the Ribbon.

When done, press E. Word will search through its help database and replace the current list with a group of topics related to the item you entered.

There are several buttons across the top of the help window: If you have been moving between help topics, click on the back arrow button to return to the previous help topic.

If you have returned to a previous help topic, click on the forward arrow button to display the next topic. If you are viewing a topic online and it is taking a long time to load, click on this button to cancel the help page.

Click on this button to refresh the help window. Click on this button to return to the original help topic list. Click on this button to print the current help topic. A task pane will be opened along 1/7980.txt left side of the window, listing all of the help topics and allowing you to scroll through them. Click on this button a second time to close the task pane.

Click on this button to keep the current help topic on top. Click on the down arrow beside this button to select the type of help topic you would like displayed. Click on this button to specify whether you want to search for microsoft office 2013 manual pdf free download help or display only the offline topics that come with MS Word. This comes in handy when a screen lists several choices or perhaps lists various keyboard shortcuts.

Click on this tool to print the current help topic. A dialog box containing two tabs will be displayed: The first tab labeled General is divided into three main sections, as discussed below: Select Printer This section is used to select the printer. There is also a checkbox to print the topic to a file.

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